Eleonora Paris
Ph.D. in International Political and Social Sciences at the University of Teramo. Currently teaching assistant for the chair of Comparative Public Law (Prof. Carmela Decaro), Department of Political Science of LUISS Guido Carli University. The PhD thesis, discussed in April and titled “e-Government e politiche di modernizzazione: percorsi europei” (e-Government and modernization policies: European pathways) was mainly related to the role of e-government policy towards the European Union administrative space: in the work she focused on the EU framework and on some Member State, such as Italy and Spain. During the PhD years she spent several research periods abroad, including six months at the University of Pais Vasco in Bilbao (November 2012-May 2013), two months at the CVCE (Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe) of Luxembourg (May-July 2014) and four months at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole in Toulouse (October 2014-February 2015). Phd studies also concerned the European Digital Agenda and the Digital Agenda of Italy, Spain and France.
She published in “Le Carte e la Storia” (Il Mulino, 2/2013) the chronicle “Il terzo seminario sulla storia delle circoscrizioni amministrative”.