Internet Policy Research Website

International Symposium on Internet Governance

internet governance salerno
Day 1 (November 10th)
10:00 AM – Inaugural Greetings Aurelio Tommasetti (Chancellor of the University of Salerno) Annibale Elia (Head of the Department of Political, Social and Communication Sciences) Francesco Amoretti (Director of the Internet and Communication Policy Centre) Valeria Fascione (Council Member Regione Campania)
11:30 AM – Opening speech Mauro Santaniello Università degli Studi di Salerno “Internet Politics and Policy”
11:45 AM – Keynote speech Laura DeNardis American University – Washington, DC “Rethinking Internet Freedom and Governance in the Age of Cyber Control”
12:30 PM – Questions & Answers
01:00 PM – Lunch
03:00 PM Jeanette Hoffman WZB Berlin Social Science Center – Berlin “Internet and Democracy – An STS Perspective”
Claudia Padovani Università degli Studi di Padova “Gender Equality in Internet Governance? Conceptualization and research perspectives”
3:35 PM – Questions & Answers
04:10 PM – Coffee break
04:30 PM Guy Berger Director of the Division “Freedom of Expression”, UNESCO – Paris “Navigating norms for Internet governance in the UN system – the case of UNESCO”
Francesco Amoretti Università degli Studi di Salerno “Digital Citizenship: Internet Rights and Inequalities”
05:05 PM – Questions & Answers
05:40 PM – End of Day 1
Day 2 (November 11th)
10:00 AM Meryem Marzouki CNRS, UPMC Sorbonne Universités – Paris “The Strength of Being (supposedly) Weak – IOs, Civil Society and Technical Communities in IG”
Salvatore Sica Università degli Studi di Salerno “The fragile freedom: public and private in the age of networks”
10:35 AM – Questions & Answers
11:10 AM Andrea Calderaro Cardiff University, Cardiff “Internet Governance Capacity Building in Post-Authoritarian Contexts”
Giorgio Giannone Codiglione Università di Palermo “Safe Harbour and Privacy Shield: EU-US relationships in the privacy field”
11:45 PM – Questions & Answers
12:20 PM Antonio Dinetti e Antonio Oddati Regione Campania “Governing regional public networks: public administrations as providers. The case of Regione Campania”
12:40 PM – Questions & Answers
01:00 PM – Lunch
03:00 PM – Round table #1 “Digital constitutionalism: Internet rights and principles”
04:10 PM – Coffee break
04:30 PM – Round table #2 “Internet Governance: research agendas and emerging perspectives”
05:40 PM – End of Da

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