Mauro Calise – Faculty SWING 2025

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Prof. Mauro Calise
He is Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of Naples Federico II.
He is the author, with Theodore J. Lowi, of Hyperpolitics – An Interactive Dictionary of Political Science Concepts, University of Chicago Press and
His main research areas include Political Parties, Personalization of politics, Digital politics and Internet epistemology. He is the author of Il partito personale and, with Fortunato Musella, Il principe digitale (Laterza).
He has been the President of the Italian Political Science Association (2008-2010), and the Founder and Director of Federica WebLearning, Center for the Innovation and Dissemination of Digital Education at the University of Naples Federico II.
He is the Director of the International Political Science Association Summer School on
Digital Thinking – Concept Analysis in the Web Environment.
He is the Founder and Editor of Rivista di Digital Politics, an open access journal published by Il Mulino, and an op-ed contributor to Il Mattino (1995 – ).
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