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Member Profile - Diego Giannone

Diego Giannone

Full Professor - University of Campania 'L. Vanvitelli'


Diego Giannone is full professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science of the University of Campania 'L. Vanvitelli', where he teaches 'Politics and Communication' and 'Public Policy'. His research activity mainly focuses on the crisis of democracy, the transformations of the State, the processes of neoliberalisation and the political dimension of evaluation. He is the author of several articles and essays, published in national and international journals, and of three monographs: La democrazia neoliberista. Concetto, misure, trasformazioni (FrancoAngeli, 2010), In perfetto Stato. Indicatori globali e politiche di valutazione dello Stato neoliberale (Mimesis, 2019) and (with A. Cozzolino) La democrazia dei tecnocrati. Discorsi e politiche dei tecnici al governo in Italia (Meltemi, 2023)

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