Save the date! GIG-ARTS 2025: 26-27 May 2025. “The Rise of Digital Sovereignty: Ambiguities and Challenges.”

The Ninth European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS 2025) will be held in Salerno, Italy, on 26-27 May 2025.
This 9th edition will be organized by the Internet and Communication Policy Center (ICPC) of the University of Salerno, and co-chaired by Francesco Amoretti, Nicola Palladino and Mauro Santaniello. The main theme of GIG-ARTS 2025 will focus on ’The Rise of Digital Sovereignty: Ambiguities and Challenges’.
Save the date and stay tuned: the full CfP will be circulated in the next few days!
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